I started this post on February 8 2011. I finished it in 2019

%Added in 2019


It is simply incredible, finding this post (and really, the entire blog) some 8+ years later.    Not only due to the time elapsed; but the sheer magnitude of what I presented in a couple paragraphs sitting on a bus

  1.  The bus.   I don’t ride the bus anymore;  I can’t even recall the last bus trip I ventured on.   To be honest, some of the people I met on those bus trips in 2011 are unilaterally not part of my life anymore.   But those trips brought one toxic relationship to a complete end;  created a connection with someone new that was incredibly emotionally maturing, and above all, taught me the value of talking to the person sitting next to you.  It’s a lesson and skill that has faded from memory, and one that I am actively working to resurrect.
  2. The trip to Greenland.   I hated the trip to Greenland.   I hated it so hard that not long after getting back to America I quit my job, quit my lease, quit my industry, moved to Philadelphia and STARTED OVER
  3. The apartment search.  Having others in charge of the roof over my head was difficult.   I did not find my landlords “Reasonable” or caring about their property.   I spent a lot of money on garbage for years.   I was paying minimum payments on my student loans and not contributing to any kind of retirement fund, to buy a house at the time of this post.  That happened.  It is lovely except for…
  4. The apartment.  I succeeded in negotiating a sublet for the duration of my trip and paid the rent to stay where I was after returning.  $2100 saved.  One of the absolute worst experiences of my life happened because of that $2100.     I don’t want to talk about it, but this experience, and person, has irreversibly destroyed my future in this lovely house I have invested the intervening years, blood, and sweat building.    I am fortunate that the property has monetary value to others; I’ll be OK.   But I shall fruitlessly plea to 25 year old Brian ” MOVE! DO NOT STAY ON 84th STREET!”



%Resume Orignal Post


On another note, all dozen or so of my readers (I actually have no idea, I don’t have the slightest clue how many follow me) want to know how things are going. This includes me, because honestly, I’ve just been living, and I’m the kind of person who needs to sit down and think about “how am I doing”

Well, as per the norm, I’m typing while sitting on a bus. I’ve spent far too much time on buses lately. Bus to Philly, bus to Boston, bus to work, and obviously coming home from these places as well. The subways, too – I’m becoming a master of the subways in Manhattan, though I find myself arbitrarily avoiding Queens and Brooklyn. There’s a lot to Manhattan, and I tend to compartmentalize when exploring new places.

I need to stay where I am until March 10, go to Greenland, and set up a place to stay beginning April 1. This is the most painful option, but the best financially. I don’t even know how to go about setting up a room share two months ahead of time, but it would save me mucho dollars – I only pay $500 in rent from now until April 1. Option B involves $1200 for march and $900 for February. Total saved – $2100

I think I might need to do this. Sorry, Mom. I know you don’t want to watch my cat anymore :(

Lets see. Other than apartment searching, Life has been interesting. Work is getting into full swing, I’m trying to learn how to be an RF expert, logistics manager, etc etc etc. I’m actually at work now so I should stop typing and get off the stupid bus. This is so hardcore it’s like a live blog of my life, except you only get updates once in a blue moon. But, such is the life of a poor unloved blog.

I’ve also been doing a lot more reading – spending so much time on public transportation does that to you, and I guess It’s a part of life that faded away a bit during undergrad and grad school. I leave you with this from the “Toilers of the Sea” by Victor Hugo : “Of all the teeth of time, none leave a bigger mark than the pick-axe of man”